Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Painful Moment...................Nazeem Davids

I really hope you get this fast. I could not inform anyone about My trip to Manila , Am in Philippines to see my ill cousin she is suffering from Kidney disease and must undergo Kidney transplant to save her life the condition is critical.

Kidney transplant is very expensive here, so i want to transfer her back home to have the surgery implemented. I really need to take care of this now but my credit card can't work here. I traveled with little money due to the short time I had to prepare for this trip and never expected things to be the way it is right now. I need a loan of $1,550 USD from you and I'll reimburse you at my return. I will really appreciate whatever amount you can come up with, if not all get back to me. I'll advise on how to transfer it.

Make it a great day!

Nazeem Davids